Uninsured fee Guide button

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays for most of your medical visits and services. However, there are some services that OHIP does not cover.
These services not covered by OHIP are called “Uninsured Services“.
Because OHIP does not reimburse physicians for these services, payment must come from patients themselves.

Most of our services are covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). However, certain services are not covered by OHIP and should be paid for at the time of your visit, including:

  • Department of Transport medicals
  • Injectable medications, such as cortisone, analgesics
  • Notes for back to work/school/absence
  • Removal of benign skin lesions (e.g. moles, warts, cysts)
  • Transfer of medical records
  • Insurance forms
  • Missed appointments
  • Travel medicine, including consults and injections